Kevin Conklin and Dede Decker in Animal. Vegetable. Mineral.


ID: Pale Sienna text and images on a cream background.

Dede Decker and Kevin Conklin will both be featured in an original fiber art exibition sponsored by The Snips.


Two Fresh Eye fiber artists will be part of Animal. Vegetable. Mineral. - an upcoming exhibition by The Snips.

From The Snips:Not to be confused with the BBC quiz show from the 1950’s, Animal. Vegetable. Mineral. is a new art exhibition curated and presented by The Snips exploring the fiber and textile artists’ connection to the natural resources of the earth via human consumption, creation, and destruction. Fiber art would not exist without these resources since humans began domesticating livestock and creating garments. Now, we face a future of destruction because of consumerism and overproduction. This exhibition explores our roots while acknowledging our potential future. Bit broad, innit?”

Opening Reception Friday, April 12 7-9pm

at Squirrel Haus Arts

3450 Snelling Ave, Minneapolis

Exhibition open April 12-20. For more information, visit

Image Description: Pale Sienna images and text on a cream background. Text: The Snips Present Animal Vegetable Mineral/A New Fiber Arts Exhibition/Opening Reception Friday, April 12, 7-9pm/Saturday April 13, 3-7pm/Sunday April 14, 3-7pm/Thursday April 18, 5-8pm, Friday April 19, 5-8pm, Saturday April 20, 3-7pm/Squirrel Haus arts 3450 Snelling Ave, Minneapolis MN 55406

Lauren Hughes