Lynda Mullan
Lynda’s intricate colorscapes seem to be an extension of her personality: bright, forthcoming, extroverted. She is able to grab the viewer’s attention with color and maintain it with her compositional puzzles. Her works are built like labyrinths: shapes structured from a drawn parameter that becomes more detailed as it is built. Her method is focused and deliberate, while the final piece seems effortless and invites us to become lost in the work.
Selected Exhibitions
CURRENTS: Adaptation, Brilliance and Joy, MM Museum of American Art, Saint Paul, MN (2024)
Pathways, Fresh Eye Gallery, Minneapolis, MN (2024)
Revolutionary, Fresh Eye Gallery, Minneapolis, MN (2023)
Rejected, AZ Gallery, St. Paul, MN (2022)
So Free: A Fresh Eye Arts Exhibition, Banfill Locke Center for the Arts, Fridley, MN (2021)
Open 2021, Galerie C.O.A., Montréal, QC (2021)
GROUP SHOW (virtual exhibition), SHRINE, NYC, NY (2021)
C4W:2020 Lush Future, GAMUT Gallery, Minneapolis, MN (2020)
The Artwork of Lynda Mullan, Salon Ori, Minneapolis, MN (2020)
Foot in the Door, MIA, Minneapolis, MN (2020)